Saturday, 29 February 2020

National football team manager game mode in SMFC Online

After 2 months of hard work and tests we just activated Niklas Persson's Project game mode, which gives you chance to run a national team. On surface this mode is similar to SMFC Pro, you get full player data and statistics, but at the same time your managerial options are limited to just few.

Of course you can't change team colours, you can't hire staff, you can't improve the stadium or take care of financial side, at least not at that point (Niklas Persson's Project is currently in version 0.1 that will be improved with time). The season is shorter - you will play 14 games in qualification group (no matter on which continent you will be taking part), if you manage to reach the top 2 you will play in World Cup group (3 matches) and potentially 4 knock-out round matches (with last one as the World Cup final). Right now only World Cup is simulated, mostly because on some continents the local national competitions would be rather boring (f.e. in South America you would get almost exactly same set of opponents in qualifications and the final tournaments since there are lest than 20 countries).

national team manager - your player details

There are no transfer options, of course, which makes this game mode tricky - you don't choose whether the players will have universal or realistic skills, because Niklas Persson's Project always runs on realistic skills. What is more you get around 100 players generated at the beginning of the game to give you chance to pick the best ones for national team and you are pretty much stuck with them until they retire - you can't just send scout to find a new talent, they will pop up at the beginning of the new season or via random events, so you have to play with the players you are given.

national team manager - player data

Right now Niklas Persson's Project is in 0.1 version, so keep in mind that there might be some slight problems in the gameplay and we are still working on this feature. More info: national team manager

national team manager - qualifications tables